Friday, December 11, 2009

The Invention Of Lying

English comedian Ricky Gervais is enjoying continued success in the USA and now is writing and directing his own material.

The concept of this film is very intriguing. But has some flaws. The problem being that if you analyse it too much it does not hold up too well. My main concern is that would this world and civilisation have evolved so similar to ours if there was no lying. I tend to think things would not be so much the same. Despite this the film is very funny. I thought it was so funny how people will just say what ever comes into their head. Quite a few of my friends have said that they found the film to be very boring. Normally I can appreciate other people's opinions of films but I cannot understand how they find this film boring. I think the film is not only very funny but the plot gets more interesting as it goes along. The parallels with religion that develop in the story were very satirical and hilarious. There are some many situations where Mark lies himself into funny situations. for his first feature film as a director Ricky has done an excellent job. Although he did have a co-director and the film is not that elaborate.

Part of the problem I think people have with the film is Ricky Gervais. I can appreciate that he is one of those performers that you either like or don't like. I've grown to like him over time as I was not fond of the TV series 'The Office' but I love 'Extras' and just about everything he has done after that. He pretty much plays the same type of character in each thing he does. Although much like he is in 'Ghost Town' he is a much nicer person here. There is also a brilliant scene where he gets to show off his acting ability and prove he is not just a funny guy. Because of his popularity Ricky has been able to surround himself in this film with some very funny people. The gorgeous Jennifer Garner is wonderful as the object of Ricky's affections in the film. She does a great job of playing the comedy very dead-pan. I think she is an excellent actress that can do a wide variety of performances. The rest of the cameos in the film are quite funny. I thought Edward Norton's scene was the best.

It seems I'm one of the few people that found this film hilarious and funny. As long as you don't think too hard about the premise you should get some good laughs out of it. Especially if you are a Ricky Gervais fan.

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