Monday, September 16, 2013


Steve Jobs is a towering figure of our technological age. He is responsible for some of the biggest advances in computers we have seen. This is the first of two films about his life.
As I implied in my introduction Steve Jobs is a highly influential person. It is a shame that he has been given such a lackluster film about his life. While I am not familiar with the development of this film I get the feeling that it was rushed into production shortly after his death in order to capitalize on the publicity that generated. There is another film being developed now written by one of my all time favourite writers Aaron Sorkin, which I think will do Steve's life more justice. To me this film looks and feels like a TV movie and not a cinema film. The one good thing about it is that they do not shy away from portraying the bad side of Steve Jobs. As great as the man is, he seems like he would have been incredibly difficult to work with. The only consistent thing in the film is the way they have portrayed Steve's unpleasant personality. But all great men have some sort of flaw and that would seem to be Steve's.
For many years now Ashton Kutcher has been playing mostly comedy roles and playing lovable clowns. I compliment him on his attempt to get more serious with this role. Sadly though he does not quite make the leap successfully. While he is great at comedy I do not think he is good enough as a dramatic actor to portray such a highly regarded person. He is surrounded by some great performances though. Josh Gad is brilliant as Steve Wozniak and gives the best performance in the film. Dermot Mulroney is quite good as well. J.K. Simmons is always great.
A lackluster film that does not live up to the greatness of its subject matter. I'm sure the next film will be much better. Maybe save your time and money until then.

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