Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Wolverine

The last Wolverine film 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' while financially successful is not very highly regarded. So thankfully they did a 'do over'.
We have been so conditioned with most comic book films to expect a certain type of film. Christopher Nolan has managed to  buck this convention but many others go with the same formulae. This time it seems the producers of the X-Men series have gone for story over action. That is not to say that there is no action but there is very little when compared with many other action films you see. I think the hiring of director James Mangold helped in that area. He is not know for his big budget action films but for low key character films. We explore the character of Logan/Wolverine more with this film and it is all the better for it. There are still some great action sequences in the film and James handles them with a great deal of excitement.
Hugh Jackman has so firmly established himself as Wolverine that it will take a while to see anyone else in the role. It is this reason that he does such a good job with the character. The supporting cast are also excellent. Rila Fukushima is probably the best of them for me. She gives such an amazingly layered performance and is so subtle in some aspects that I was totally blown away.
'The Wolverine' makes us love Wolverine all over again. It is more character driven and so all the better for it.

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