Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman

And now for the second and very different version of the Snow White story for this year. We've had the light comedy version, now we have the action version.
It is interesting the different interpretations people can make from the one story. 'Mirror Mirror' the other version of the story released earlier in the year went with a very comedic and wacky approach. It was aimed at a young audience and was like a pantomime. This version aims at older people and primary the teenage audience who has fallen for 'Twilight' and others of its type. Sadly it has failed much like those other films. I found this film to incredibly dull and boring. It lacked excitement. Visually it looks stunning and the action sequences are very well done but I just got bored by the story. I was also bored by the characters. Snow White is your lead character yet she is not a dynamic enough woman that you become interested in her story. Perhaps because we are so familiar with the story we are just supposed to accept she is a strong forceful woman. But I did not get any of that from the movie. Judging by how the film ends, I expected her to fight more through out the film. The Huntsman too is not very interesting and is just there to look pretty. The writers have also added too many unecessary characters. The time devoted to these extra characters could have been better spent on making the leads more interesting. 
Kristen Stewart does a decent job with the underdeveloped character she has to work with. It is just a slight variation on her Bella character. Chris Hemsworth does what he does best which is look good and fight well. He is a less interesting version of Thor here. Charlize Theron works weel with all the CGI work her character has to deal with. She is playing the part as a cool ice queen which is decent but as with the rest of the film is pretty dull after a while. The actors who play the 8 (yes 8) dwarfs are quite good and provide some nice light hearted moments. I quite liked Sam Spruell as the Queen's brother and hunchman. I think he made a better bad guy than the Queen.
There was the potential there to make a fun and interesting action film based on the famous fairy tale. Sadly this oportunity was not taken.

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