I have seen this film on DVD several times but never on the big screen. Seeing films in the cinema is always better.
'The Shining' is another one of those films whose poster scared me when I was younger. That image of Jack Nicholson hacking his way into a room an be very scary looking. Stephen King is one of my favourite authors so I was very keen to see this film after reading the book. I know that Stephen is not very fond of this film and I can see his reasons why. But I still think it is a brilliant film and is my favourite directed by Stanley Kubrick. Some of my favourite films and TV series are those where a group of people become trapped or cut off in a confined space. That situation provides so much tension and/or humour. Kubrick is so skilled at creating tension, especially with his camera work and use of music. This was one of the first times in a film that the camera was moved around so much and is quite effective. It is almost like the ghosts of the hotel are floating around and following our characters around. While you do know that something bad is in the hotel and it will menace our family you are continually wondering how it will manifest its self.
One of Stephen Kings biggest problems with the film is the casting of Jack Nicholson. Jack is one of those actors who is intense in just about every role he does. Stephen's problem was that the character of Jack Torrance is supposed to be an average guy who turns bad when he comes under the influence of the hotel. But with Jack Nicholson you can see that evil coming and it is not that far for him to go. While I understand Stephen's problem I still think that Nicholson is brilliant in the role. You do know that he is going evil but he is just so great at it when he does. Equally as good is Shelley Duvall. She is perfect as the sweet innocent wife who must fight off her nasty husband. She just has this general sweetness about her which makes you feel for her more in this situation. The real star of the show is Danny Lloyd. The kid is simply amazing as Danny. The way he behaves when his gift comes out is stunning.
The first Stanley Kubrick film I saw and is still the best. The cinema certainly accentuates the tension so if you can make sure you go see it there.
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