Many older people have been struggling lately to keep up with the emerging technologies and their impact on society. It has been especially tough in the work place.
The trailer for this film did not inspire me with hope that it was going to be a good film. The impression I got from it was that these guys, Billy and Nick, were real dinosaurs when it came to the internet. To me that looked ridiculous considering the guys age. If they were say over 50 years-old then I could understand them being clueless about the internet and 'X-Men' but these guys are younger and would have some idea of how it works. This is another one of those films that took a little while to get going for me. Much like 'Monsters University' the first third of the film was very ordinary and not that funny. It is not until after that the film gets better. 'The Internship' shares not only a similar plot to 'Monsters University' but my impression of it was similar too. It is not until Billy and Nick team up with their misfit team of interns does the film really take off and get good. But unlike 'Monsters University' I felt that the central characters were not the most interesting thing about the film. Billy and Nicks team mates, while fitting a few stereotypes, had more character quirks and dimension to them than our main heroes. Plus Billy and Nick did not seem as clueless as the trailer made them out to be which was a welcome relief.
When you see a film with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn you pretty much know what you are going to get performance wise. These guys are part of an emerging group of comedy actors who play pretty much the same character in every film they do. So the material they have and the jokes they generate from that material is what sets each film apart. I got quite a few laughs from this film but most of them came from the supporting characters and not our leads. Josh Brener was quite funny as the Google representative that helps the group out. Rose Byrne makes a nice romantic interest for Owen Wilson's character. Max Minghella once again plays the bastard role really well.
I found myself enjoying this a lot more than I expected. It is not the greatest comedy around but is still a fun film.
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