Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Wolfman

Slowly but surely Universal Studios have been doing remakes of their old horror films. They created a franchise out of 'The Mummy' and now look to do the same with 'The Wolfman'.

Normally I like to judge a film on its final product and not let any of the behind the scenes turmoil affect what I see. But looking at 'The Wolfman', I begin to think the concern was justified. The film is so lifeless and dull that while not boring as such does not make it memorable. The first few minutes of the film seem very rushed. I would have liked a bit more background information about Lawrence and the reasons he left his family. Even a scene showing him at his job as an actor. I feel the makers are trying to rush things in order to get to Lawrence's transformation. I don't know if that was done initially in anticipation of the fickle young audiences need to get to the action quickly or came out of the test screening process. It is indicative of the whole film really. It has very little emotion and feeling. You don't come to care about the characters and the makers seem only concerned about the events the characters are involved in and not how they feel about these events. There is only one really memorable scene in the film when Lawrence escapes from a mental hospital. This action scene was very well handled the only good part of the film. Actually I take that back the other good part is the make-up and transformation effects. They are excellent, but it is a pity they are not in a good film.

An excellent cast has been assembled for this film and maybe an indication that the script or idea were much better when they signed on. Benicio Del Toro is a very good actor and the only good thing about him in this film is his close resemblance to Lon Chaney Jnr. from the original film. Anthony Hopkins looks like he is just coasting through the film and not really trying but waiting to get paid. Emily Blunt looks bored and is so above material like this. The only one who seems to be any good or having fun is Hugo Weaving. He does a great job and shows how he can raise himself above very ordinary material.

The plan to get horror fans away from vampires with a new franchise does not seem to have worked. I can't see a franchise coming from this film unless they decide to re-boot which is another popular fad.

1 comment:

  1. oh man, l agree on so many levels... Benicio was lazy with his acting and the plot was borderline ridiculous - is it supposed to be funny or serious? because there were several times when l found myself laughing.
