Friday, February 26, 2010

Shutter Island

Expectation is a funny thing. Try as you might there are certain things about a film that can influence the way you view it. I've noticed that many critics have not been all that pleased with 'Shutter Island'. I think there is a reason for this.

Martin Scorsese's last film was a big Oscar winner. So expectations were very high for his follow up. That I think is where many people went wrong. They had such incredibly high expectations. I think mostly because after having finally won an Oscar they have put Scorsese onto a higher pedestal. Now don't get me wrong I really liked this film, but I think many were expecting perfection and didn't get it. Before we go on I need to warn you. This review may have a few spoilers in it. If you want to see the film without knowing anything, which is the way I suggest you do it, then stop reading now and wait until after you've seen the film before continuing.

This is one of those films that has a big twist in the middle that changes the direction of the film. I will admit that I noticed a clue pretty early on that tipped me off as to what it was. However the clue I saw did not turn out to be what I thought it was. In some ways the setting for the film and its plot gives things away a bit but I was still able to be involved in the story and not be too put off by the turn of events. Another thing that I think has put people off is the weird dream imagery. Scenes seem to end abruptly and Teddy has many dreams that fill in the blanks about his back story but have lots of strange things going on. I quite liked these as they are a little unsettling and make you question what is really going on. I really liked the film's score as well. While it comes across as very bombastic and overbearing, I liked it as it further unsettled you and make things seem all the more creepy.

The only problem I had with this film was Leonardo DiCaprio. Not so much his performance but his look in the film. I did not feel he looked like he came from the 1950's. He looked a bit too modern for me and seemed out of place. Other than that he gives a typically excellent performance. I just wish he would do a comedy. Mark Ruffalo is very good too but his role is more of a sounding board for Leo's rants. It is not until the end that we find why that is the case. Ben Kingsley gives an excellent, measure performance as one of the island's doctors. Of the cameos the best is Jackie Earle Hayley. Although he is suited to play a mental patient he does a suitably creepy job here.

As long as you lower your expectations a bit you should really like this very clever, adult thriller. Try not to spoil the ending for those who have not seen it.

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