Monday, May 6, 2013

Scary MoVie

Just when you thought the franchise had died they make another one. I think 'Paranormal Activity' is responsible.
You are probably wondering why I would go see this film. I have two words for you: David Zucker. One of my all time favourite films is 'The Naked Gun', which was co-written and directed by David. With his brother Jerry Zucker and Jim Abrahams, David created some of the funniest films ever made. I think it was this reputation was why David called in to write and direct 'Scary Movie 3' and '4'. This time he is only writing but it is still a major disappointment. I like to think that David is only doing these films to make money because there is nothing funny about them. It is quite obvious that they are aimed at a teenage audience but it feels like they are written by a teenager as well. There is very little by way of plot except some vague references to 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Mama'. It is a flimsy excuse to make lame jokes about various horror and non-horror films. What I did find funny about the film is that there are references here that I'm sure many Australian teenagers would know very little about.
In fairness the cast of the film do a reasonably decent job considering the material they have been given. They are not able to elevate the humour at all. Then again most are not known for being terribly funny anyway. There are several 'celebrity' cameos to keep the kids interested but even those jokes fall flat.
I like to think that there is still some greatness left in David Zucker. That these films just pay the bills. I hope he goes back to greatness soon.

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