Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

It is summer in the USA which means Pixar and Dreamworks release their major animated films. Once again this year it is the battle of the sequels.
Dreamworks animated films, for me, have been very hit and miss. More miss than hit. While it might be unfair to compare them to Pixar but Pixar feel like they care more than Dreamworks. It is common knowledge that Pixar work diligently on crafting story above all else and you get that feeling in the films they make, especially when compared to those made by Dreamworks. Last year this changed when Dreamworks released 'How To Train Your Dragon'. A film that had a carefully crafted story with excellent characters. I initially was not expecting much from 'Kung Fu Panda 2'. One of the criticisms of Dreamworks is that they are more interesting in sequels and franchises than making interesting stories. I was then surprised at how much I enjoyed the film. The creators have managed to make a great action/adventure film with a great deal of emotion. The action is right up there with some of the best that Asian action films can offer. The makers have done their homework in making them look dynamic and a great deal of fun. The story of Po and his discovery of Kung Fu is an interesting one and in this film there is an added element of emotion as we find out where Po has come from. I think Po being a cute and cuddly panda helps as well. While how this story of Po's origins and how it fits in with the film's villain is predictable it is still effective. I thought the pace of the film was nice and quick too. The most important element for me though is that is the film funny? Yes it sure is. There are some really funny situations and lines in the film.
I don't think anyone could imagine a more perfect voice for Po than Jack Black. He exudes the plump and cuddliness of his real life character into that of this animated character. It helps that Jack looks like a panda in real life so that seeing him as Po is not much of a stretch. But he is also able to bring humour and emotion to his character that makes him Po more than just a kung fu fighting bear. Dustin Hoffman is very effective as his mentor and sadly has only a small role in this film. The only disappointing thing about Gary Oldman is that he once again plays a villain. He is however excellent at it. Angelina Jolie gives a nicely subtle performance as Tigress. Of the Furious five she is the only one who gets any decent screen time which is a shame. It would be nice for the others in the group to be more involved in the story.
A surprisingly good film that proves Dreamworks can make funny and engaging animated films with an emotional core.

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