Thursday, October 29, 2009

Michael Jackson's This Is It

Before I begin this review I need to explain my taste in music. I'm not really a fan of any particular artist, except one. I like a song more so than an artist. My iPod has a wide variety of songs, mostly from soundtracks. The only one artist I like is 'Weird Al' Yankovic. Sorry to disappoint all my fans out there.

Michael Jackson was an artist that I had no strong feelings for one way or the other. While I enjoyed a few of his songs, I would not rave about them being the greatest songs ever written and neither would I run screaming if I heard them. All I needed to see was the man perform in concert. Although this is only rehearsal footage it is quite amazing stuff. Imagine what the concert would have been like. Michael is a stunning performing artist. I was totally blown away at how brilliant he is in this film when he is performing on stage. There has been a bit of criticism that the film does not show the true man but I don't think that is the point of the film. They have also criticised the fact that his family is exploiting his death. That is debatable but I do not agree. The film is all about Michael as a performer. The behind the scenes footage is showing him as a performer and how he comes to create his concert. It is also a way of compensating those who missed out on seeing the concet. I loved some of the video footage that was created for the concert, epecially the one for 'Smooth Criminal'. He is a brilliant singer and an incredible dancer. In some resepcts he dances a bit too much. There were some songs I felt where he should just be standing still but he always seems to be on the move, when ever there is music playing. He just can't help but let the beat get inside him.

I agree that there is a little too much footage of people saying how much they love Michael Jackson. Especially at the beginning when some of them get quite emotional. However I must say that once I saw the man perform I got quite emotional too. It was much like watching Heath Ledger in 'The Dark Knight' and seeing a brilliant performance and knowing we will never see any more from him again.

Leave your prejudices at the door and go see this film about one of the greatest performers of all time. Go see why there is more to him than a heap of tabloid headlines.

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