The White House is allegedly the most heavily fortified place on earth. Is that why it has taken so long for film makers to make a film about it being taken over.
Much like the battle of the Snow White films last year, this year we have the battle of the 'taking over the White House' films. And much like last year's battle we get a hardcore version of the story and a soft-core version. This is very much the hardcore version. Hardcore is probably putting it lightly. Subtle does not seem to be a word in director Antoine Fuqua's vocabulary. While I like films with lots of action I think there can be a limit to how they are handled. I would have preferred a situation where the White House was taken over in a more stealthy way. The big assault on the White House, while spectacular, is very much over the top and a bit ridiculous. The same can be said of all the action in the film. I found many of the plot points to be rather silly as well. Antoine and his writers have not managed to make them seem believable. They come across as really ridiculous. That's aside from the fact that they are clichéd and predictable.
Despite all this silliness, Antoine has assembled quite an impressive ensemble cast. Gerard Butler seems to be then only one of them, though, that has pitched his performance to fit in with the tone of the film. It's like his character somehow knows that this is all silly but goes along with it. Aaron Eckhart spends most of his time tied to a railing acting all noble and angry. He is unable to being much to such a limited role. Angela Bassett, much like Gerard has also gotten on the right wave length of the film's tone. I really felt sorry for such a distinguished actress like Melissa Leo who is treated rather shabbily here. I know the role calls for it but just seems wrong. Morgan Freeman does add a level of dignity but it is not enough to elevate the film.
I will be interested to see how the master of disaster Roland Emmerich handles this story in a few months. Hopefully it will not be as silly as this film is.
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