We've had girls fall in love with many supernatural creatures of the past few years. So it was inevitable that they turn their attention to zombies.
Up until now our view of zombies has been as brain dead, lumbering monsters who are only interested in eating your brains. So at the start of this film I had my judgment of them quite clouded. Luckily director Jonathan Levine, with the help of a book by Isaac Marion, managed to change my perceptions. Jonathan and Isaac have set up a great premise where zombies still have feelings and thoughts but no way of expressing them. R seems to be a zombie that is different from the rest and when he eats a guys brains he falls in love with that guys girlfriend. While I had a lot of problems with Stephanie Myer changing the rules regarding vampires for her story, I did not seem to mind Isaac doing it here with zombies. On the surface this is a familiar story of a couple from two different worlds who fall in love. But it is the humour and romance that makes it different to all the others. The humour is very wry but there are a few really funny laugh out loud moments. Being a hopeless romantic I also loved the romantic story. The film is a combination of three of my favourite genres, comedy, romance and horror. So it was a perfect storm of enjoyment for me. Horror fans will no doubt be disappointed by the lack of blood and gore but it is just not that type of story.
Nicholas Hoult is not only a very good looking man but a wonderful actor as well. With most of his dialogue in the film done in voice over he has to express himself through body language which he does really well. He also has great chemistry with his partner in love Teresa Palmer. Teresa is very charming and funny. John Malkovich has a nicely subdued role here as he plays what could be a nasty character in a gentler way.
It is not doubt the romantic in me that make me simply adore this film. One of the best I have seen this year.
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