Actress Julie Delpy made her directorial debut with the film '2 Days In Paris'. It was enough of a hit to warrant a sequel.
The film '2 Days In Paris' was a good film that had some funny moments, in the style of 'Meet The Parents' but with an independent feel. Sadly Julie Delpy could not rest on her laurels and decided to make this sequel. For some reason she has decided revisit the same characters which helped to make her famous as a director. But instead of developing the characters in a good way she has made them worse. The characters in '2 Days In New York' are all people you do not want to know, especially in a film. They all have no redeeming qualities which makes you want to root for them or even spend time with them. They are all so stupid and do such dumb things. I could handle that sort of behavior in certain films but here it just comes across as bad. They do not feel like real people but badly written caricatures. The sub plot of Marion selling her soul as part of an art show was interesting but has a horrible ending.
Julie Delpy is a very good actress and seems to make a decent job of her own horrible writing. Marion can be charming but she does some stupid things. Chris Rock is probably the only one with a decent character in the film. His character is the most sensible one as he navigates his way through a bunch of crazy people. I'm sure that Julie's real father Albert got lots of fans from his performance in '2Days In Paris' but I think one film was enough for him. He does not do much more in this film except the same routine. It was good at first but just gets annoying after a while. The same can be said of Alexia Landeau and Alexandre Nahon. They both start of good but just get steadily worse as the film goes on.
If you liked '2 Days In Paris' then do not ruin the experience by seeing its sequel. A pretty bad set of characters.
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