A couple of years ago Martin McDonagh took us on an obscenity filled trip to Bruges. He now takes us to LA.
A popular saying amongst writers is to 'write what you know'. Which is why we get films like this one about writers. Some script writers have taken that adage and made something of it by subverting the subject. Charlie Kaufman did it brilliantly in one of my favourite films 'Adaptation'. Martin McDonagh seems to be doing something similar here by having the lead character be a script writer and comment on the films action as if it was a film. It is quite clever and Martin does a very good job with the devise. It also feels a little bit autobiographical with Martin being like Marty and coming up with idea of a movie with seven psychopaths and then working that into a film script. Martin is very good at writing dialogue which is something I'm very jealous of. The film's dialogue is clever and very witty with some hilarious lines. The characters are also nicely crazy, much like the film's plot. That's the thing I liked most about it was the unpredictability of the plot. You never really knew where it was going and that is refreshing these days. I did find the second half a little slow going at times. I also thought that there were a few twists in the plot that could have been revealed at different times.
I think Colin Farrell does his best work when he is in smaller budget films. He is quite funny as he gets continually frustrated by all the crazy events going on around him. Sam Rockwell is one of those actors who is excellent in everything he does and this role does not let him down. Woody Harrelson is equally as good. He plays crazy so well. The best performance though is from Christopher Walken. His role is not only hilarious but his character has a softer side which gives him an emotional edge.
Martin McDonagh has once again made a clever, witty and violent comedy. Not quite as good as 'In Bruges' but still excellent.
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