Friday, April 22, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer

Matthew McConaughey returns to the profession that made him a star 15 years ago in 'A Time To Kill'.

When I found out this film was being made, I did something I've gotten into the habit of with some films of reading the book before hand. I was a little disappointed as it was not all that great and I found the story very ordinary. I think the problem is that there are so many law stories on TV these days that to do something interesting you need to make a bigger effort. However, I did enjoy the film. I think script writer John Romano has managed to take the best elements from the book and use them in the screenplay. This means it is leaner and faster paced so you have a greater sense of jeopardy. Romano opens the film with a quicker pace so you get a clearer sense of the character of Mick Haller. In some ways the main plot is still not that intriguing but director Brad Furman has managed to make it stylish with cool camera work and editing.

Then there are the performances. I think Matthew McConaughey needs to only play lawyers in films as these are the roles where he succeeds. He has lately made a string of poor romantic comedies but has been getting good reviews for his work here and deservedly so. It is by far and away one of the best roles he has done lately. Ryan Phillippe is very good at playing the snooty rich kid so this is not much of a stretch for him. William H. Macy is excellent as usual. But poor Marisa Tomei does not get all that much to do.

An excellent legal drama that we do not get to see much of on the big screen as it seems television has commandeered the genre.

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