Sunday, January 16, 2011


Disney has finally reached the magic milestone of their 50th animated film. In true Disney tradition they turn to a classic fairytale for the story.

Rapunzel is one of those stories that I'm surprised that no one has tackled before. It has all the ingredients that Disney love for their animated films. Which Disney use to wonderful effect. I found the film very slow to start and get into. Part of the reason is the music. I did not find them all that great with only one song being really catchy. If the rumours are to be believed the story was worked on quite a lot to steer it away from being too girly. The creators have done an excellent job of that and bumped up the character of Flynn. This makes the film more of a buddy comedy which just happens to feature a princess. You pretty much know where the story is going and there are no surprises or major twists. However it is a charming and delightful journey that grows on you as it goes along. Much like the characters in the film. You can tell that John Lasseter has brought his immeasurable influence to the Disney animation studio he now runs.

Unlike some other animated films 'Tangled had voice actors whose names do not over shadow the voices of their characters, which is the case here. Both Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi are excellent. Mandy brings sweetness and naivety to her role. While Zachary brings great brashness and that roguish quality his character requires. I also loved Donna Murphy who looked and sounded a lot like Bebe Neuwirth.

The true Disney tradition continues with this very traditionally Disney movie. While the music is not very memorable the characters certainly are.

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