Thursday, July 29, 2010


The 80's are making a comeback this year as we see remakes and sequels to come classic films from this decade. Fox now try to reboot one of their most popular franchises with this 'sequel'.

The English movie magazine 'Total Film' has this graph they put in some of their reviews to measure the interest you will have in a film at certain points during the film. For some reason I was really aware of this when watching this film. You could say this is a real roller coaster of a film as your interest has many peaks and troughs. The highs can get really high but the lows can go incredibly low. The plot is pretty conventional and there are no real surprises. The writers must have had faith that this film would do well as they do not give too much away. Hopefully if there is a sequel we can get to know a bit more about why these people are put on the planet. I did not get a chance to see 'Predator' before I saw this film so will have to go back and see that to find out more. One other problem I had with the film was the characters. This is a mixed group of what are supposed to be the nastiest people on earth. But what this means is that each of them don't really care about each other so as an audience you don't care about them either. So it is pretty much having fun watching these people get slaughtered.

Adrien Brody works mostly in independent films, so it is nice to see him do bigger budget studio films like this. He does not normally do action films like this so that's a refreshing change too. But the setting is rather similar to his last action film. Topher Grace moved from comedy to action a couple of years ago with 'Spider-Man 3' but here is mostly the comic relief. His character does have a nice twist at the end. The real highlight though is Laurence Fishburne. His performance alone makes the film worth seeing. A real crazy off-kilter role that is so wonderful.

A fairly conventional plot that is enjoyable if you like seeing people get picked off by ruthless aliens. But is also worth seeing just for Laurence Fishburne.

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