Sunday, May 30, 2010

Food, Inc.

Over the years I have seen many documentaries which have had an impact on me. I love this genre for the way it is able to inform me about the world we live in.

One of the things we as a living being need to survive is food. But how often do we actually look at the food we are eating. I know some people read ingredients on labels, however for things like meat and vegetables what do we really know about what we are eating. This documentary is very informative about how most of the food we eat is produced and prepared. You may find it very disturbing to see how many common types of food is made. This is an American made documentary and focuses on that. So I'd be interested to know how similar Australia is. I think many of you will starve if you saw this documentary. Much of the information I already knew about but it was interesting to see the information presented this way. I saw a documentary a few years ago called 'The Corporation'. It made me feel that the only way to escape was to sell everything I own and go live on a self sustaining farm. This film made me think the same way. There is solutions to these problems but I'm a little pessimistic as to whether the little bit I do will have any impact.

While there is a lot of doom and gloom in this film it is still very important for you to see it. I hope enough people will see it and get something done to make a change.

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