The world of animation is mostly dominated by 3D computer generated films. A few years ago the failure of some 2D animated films meant the art form has not been seen as often. That is why it is so good when one of them comes out.
The Japanese animation Studio Ghibli has earned its reputation as one of the great animation studios. While they do not have the success that the Hollywood studios have had, they still produce work of great quality. Director Hayao Miyazaki has had the most success with his film ‘Spirited Away’ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’. Now he continues with ‘Ponyo’. The artwork in this film is simply amazing. The film has so much beauty. There is something about setting a film under the water that brings out the artistic greatness in animators. The story is also very well done. Some may find it a little strange but that’s what I loved about it. It has a sense of intelligence to it that you don’t normally see in these films. Because the film is animated most people feel that it is a genre only for children, therefore when writing they can simplify things and dumb things down a bit. This film though does not have that; you can see the imagination of the artists coming through in their work. The only aspect I had a problem with was the fact that the kids in the film are meant to be 5 years-old and it was a little hard to believe that the adults would let them do some of the things they do. It’s a minor quibble though.
I saw the Japanese version of the film so I am not familiar with the voice actors. But who ever they are they do an excellent job.
If you are sick of all the Hollywood domination of animation then you must go see this film. I can recommend the Japanese version but there is an English dubbed version featuring some famous voices. Take the kids to see this wonderful and show them that animation comes in all forms.
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