Friday, June 7, 2013


Love stories can come in many different styles. This is very much an artistic version.
Cinema tries to offer you something that you do not get at home which is a big screen experience. But it seems some directors are choosing to decrease the aspect ratio in which you see films. This is another film that plays in the old fashioned 1.33:1 aspect ratio. While it does not diminish from the experience, I just find it interesting as an artistic choice for screening the film. This film is also screening in black and white which also adds to the artistic pedigree of the film. Most of the film is told in voice over rather than dialogue as well. Now I do not want this to turn you off seeing the film. I just wanted to point out that these are some of the many features that make this film very different to some you might see. It is further proof that film is not just for entertainment but an artistic expression. The film felt almost like a silent film except for the voice over. While I did not find the story boring, it did not engage me as much as I had hoped. There are many quirky elements and some very silly things, but over all it did not thrill me.
Part of that lack of thrill is due to the acting. The style of the acting seemed very theatrical and stilted. I think because of the 'silent movie' nature of the story that the actors seemed to be trying to hard. Ana Moreira and Carloto Cotta do make a nice looking couple.
A very good looking film that uses many different artistic techniques to tell the story. Sadly the story is not as interesting as you may hope. 

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