Many people ask me what my scariest movie is. I'd have to say that it is documentaries like this that frighten me more than most horror films. Issues they raise seem more real to me than say an axe wielding maniac.
There have been articles in newspapers recently that say the government is considering doing this form natural gas mining known a fracking in my local area. So the issues this film brings up could affect me and my family. Which makes it extremely scary. I could have my water affected by this nasty form of mining. I find it quite amusing that a company doing the mining sends out letters asking to use people's land and they just happen to send one out to a guy who is a film maker. This film maker then goes out and makes a damaging documentary about the mining. Josh Fox is is a theatre director so film making is not his main occupation so the film has a bit of an amateurish feel to it. The camera work and editing is not very good but you can not deny his passion. Josh also lacks some of the charm and personality that other documentary film makers have who put themselves in the film, like Michael Moore and Morgan Spurlock. At first I was not all that interested in seeing the film when I saw the trailer. It was a trailer that kind of gave everything away. But there was one moment that made me want to see the film and I'm sure it was this way for a lot of people. This is when we see a guy hold a lighter up to his running tap and see him light his water on fire. It is an amazing moment and is replayed several times in the film with many different people. It amazes me that companies are allowed to get away with this type of pollution. They do all they can to deny it but it is quite obvious what they are doing. Some of them even take a cheaper option of installing special water tanks for these people to use. It is just amazing.
An extremely powerful documentary that every Australian should see. This is something devastating that is happening in this country and could be coming to an area near you.