Most studios like Disney have been remaking a lot of their old films. This time Disney have done something a little different and made a sequel instead.
'Tron' is one of those films that was ahead of its time. Back in 1982 the dazzling special effects may have been too much for audiences back then to handle. Over time it has been more popular and become a cult classic. I remember seeing it a long time ago and being impressed with the visual look of the film. It has been more popular with geeks I think. The sequel comes across as something made primarily for these geeks. That is not a bad thing and I'm sure most people will get a thrill out of it. Much like the original, though the film is all about the visuals. The story is pretty simple and there are not many twists and turns. I found it to be very new-age. I also think there was not enough made of the threat Clu was making to leave The Grid. While we know it would be bad for him to leave, I'd have like to know 'how bad'. The special effects though are quite stunning. I saw the film at an Imax cinema so was even more impressive on a larger screen.
After his impressive role in 'Crazy Heart', Jeff Bridges is taking it easy here. There's not all that much for him to do. As many of mentioned he has that laid back approach like he did when he played The Dude. I'm surprised it has taken Garrett Hedlund so long to get a leading role. I found him quite impressive here and shows that he can become a great leading man. Especially of action films.
A visually stunning film that may lack some plot is still a great film that needs to be seen on the big screen. If you get the chance make sure that screen is the largest one you can find.